Geoff Rod

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So I might have a problem.  I'm comfortable with the 250 pages I have now...after a few days of dedicated editing.  But I looked through my outline - the spreadsheet defining all the chapters.  Most of my pages have already gone over their allocated numbers.  At this rate, Denver Nights, version three, will be close to 700 pages if I follow the design.

I don't know that the days of the 'long novel' are still here.  Not for new authors.  And not with the contest.  400 pages would be good, the clues would be like looking for chopsticks in a haystack.  700?  That's hitting the proverbial needle.

Also, there's the new job.  I accepted.  I like the idea of being part of a team again.  I start in just over 4 weeks.  I've become convinced that if if the manuscript isn't done by won't get done.  Not for a long time.

Gotta figure this out.  I can truncate things...but I'll be leaving out a lot of the story.  I'm guessing this is a common problem for authors.  Any of them...not just the new ones.

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